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Call for Proposals – Choreographic Coaching

The Biennale GBONHI is a dance event in Abidjan organised by the association Danse Ivoire Diaspora and the Company Ange Aoussou. It will take place from 23rd to 30th of September 2023. Its aim is to support young choreographers in their creative projects and to create a platform for encounters and exchanges between Ivorian artists, their diaspora and international artists


As part of the 2ème edition, it is calling for applications for CHOREOGRAPHIC COACHING.


9 project holders, regardless of nationality, have the opportunity to work and exchange intensively with choreographer mentors, an administrator and a sound designer. Participants will receive individual and targeted support for their choreographic project, followed by a 15-minute presentation of the work phase.

This call is for all SOLO or DUO creative projects that develop a unique and high-quality choreographic language.

The application (in English, French or German) must consist of :

A written idea of the project or note of intent

A letter of motivation stating your interest in participating in the coaching

A detailed of the CV

A short video of maximum 2 minutes of you as a performer or choreographer

A portrait photo and a scene photo

be available from 18th to 30th September 2023

Applications should be sent to:  

Deadline for submission of applications: 15 March 2023

The results will be announced on 30 April 2023.

Incomplete applications and applications submitted after the deadline will be rejected.

For further information, please contact us by e-mail at: